Board Members
The board oversees the operational aspect of the church. Below are the current board members who have been elected in the September 2022 general meeting by attending member parishioners.
The responsibility of each members listed below:
Kedest Berhanu - Chairperson
Ishete Haile - Vice Chairperson
Abraham Moges - Secretary
Ketsela Mengistu - Treasurer
Abel Tadesse - Financial Officer
Yonas Adinew - Board member
Aba Habtemariam Emagnaw - Board member
Bethlehem Thompson- Board Member
Senait Alemayehu - Board Member
Audit Committee
This committee is responsible for general accounting of all financial transactions of the church. It ensures that all incomes collected and expenses are recorded in compliance to general non-profit organization accounting guidelines. It is in charge of monitoring all assets including fixed assets. It presents quarterly profit and loss statement report to the general assembly.
Building Committee
Building committee is one of several committees formed by the board to oversee the well being of the church facility such as buildings, grounds, furnishings, equipment etc. It is responsible for interviewing and hiring qualified architects/ contractors. It reviews progress of construction/ maintenance project and contractor’s pay and the different sources of funding that is earmarked for these projects so that it stays within the church/ board approved budget. Upon completion of projects, it inspects and makes determination that the project is done according to agreed upon work plan or contract documents.
Education Committee
Education Committee is responsible for all spiritual education imparted in the church. Led by the exemplary priest of Saint Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Aba Habte Mariam Tefalet. The committee is striving to evolve the children program, which has been running for the last three years, to three groups of bible study programs that encompasses all ages under eighteen.
Elders' Committee
This committee in close cooperation with the board ensures that the well-being of the church and the integrity of the services provided to the parishioners is the utmost priority at all times. The committee is accountable to member parishioners general assembly. It's also responsible on mediating any misunderstandings among parishioners and elected officials also the board and the clergies. The committee will also step in and takes over the administration of the church if for any reason the board can not function or perform its duties.
Social Service & Fundraising Committee
Social Services committee is responsible for the social events that take place in the church premises including the celebration of baptism, memorials, religious holidays, in general and for the use of the parishioners hall in particular. As a fund raising committee these board members engage in leading various activities that are organized to generate funds that could be utilized to further the objectives of the church.