
“Worship we the Father, worship we the Son, worship we the Holy Spirit, three in one and one in three”. God is one in Godhead, Three in Persons, in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity has no beginning and will exist for ever without end. In the Trinity there is none that precedes and none that follows; none that is elder and none that is younger, none that is ruler and none that is subject; the Three are One, in all things equal.” (John 10: 30; 1 John 5: 7)

St. Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of San Diego offers worshiping service every Saturday and Sunday. Special occasion services dates and time will be posted on the main website front page.


  • 7:00AM - 8:00AM (Morning Prayer)

  • 9:00AM - 12:00PM (Children Bible Study)


  • 6:30AM - 9:00AM (Liturgy)

  • 9:00AM - 9:15AM (Children Choir)

  • 9:15AM - 9:45AM (English Gospel)

  • 9:45AM - 10:00AM (Adult Choir)

  • 10:00AM - 10:30AM (Amharic Gospel)