Wedding / Engagement

Choosing to marry in church is more than having the ceremony in a traditional setting. It is intended to communicate something about the history of the couple and their belief that the deepest power in the world comes from God’s love. In other words, the exchange of marital promises or vows is not just for the benefit of the couple but is announced publicly before God and the community as a sacred statement of the couple’s intent to live their entire lives together in God’s presence.

The focus of the ceremony is on the couple and their free and public affirmation of their desire to be married to each other’ in good times and in bad time, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” They are joined and bonded together for life, even though they are actually unsure about the future as they make their promises.

St. Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Church provides religious wedding/engagement services for its members. Membership to the church is mandatory to receive this service.

Wedding / Engagement Application Form

Application form need to be filled out and submitted in person to the church at least Two weeks ahead of the intended wedding/engagement service date. The form can be downloaded online using the link provided below. Please call the number on the form for detailed information on this service.